Nie ze by sa nic nedialo. V poslednom case sa deju 2 veci. V Elenkinom brusku veci velkolepe a vonku pomerne vytrvalo prsi. Prsi tak vela, ze keby mi ktosi povedal, ze vidi vonku na ulici kajakara, tak mu hned uverim. My sme vsak vyuzili jediny pekny den v tyzdni a vyrazili proti prudu rieky Pitt river smer Wigeon creek. Nepodarilo sa nam vsak nalodit z miesta nedalekeho, skor dalekeho. Nakoniec 36km (blaaazni) a dojazd asi 1h po tme. Bez celoviek samozrejme. Rieka pomerne prazdna, stretli sme zopar clnov este za svetla. Situaciu nam komplikovali prudy, ktore tu vznikaju posobenim prilivu a odlivu. Nakoniec sme trafili padlovanie proti prudu tam aj spat. Pri nakladani clnu na strechu na nas zacali padat prve kvapky ohlasovanej burky, cestou domov na dialnici opat idealne podmienky na kajak.
zopar fotiek tuna :
Recently, two things have been happening. Great things in Elena’s tummy, and the other - it is raining outside steadily. It rains so much that if someone told me of seeing the kayak out on the street, I would believe him. We have made use of only one nice day of the week and headed upstream direction Wigeon Pitt river creek. However, we failed to embark on a nearby site, and ended up paddling rather far, 36 km and finished about 1 hour after dark. Without any head lights of course. River was quite empty, we met only few boats. Situation complicated currents that are created by tides. And we just got it wrong, paddled against the current both upstream and downstream. When lifting the boat onto the roof of our track, first drops of the announced storm began to fall.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Chilko Lake/ Hunlen falls
2 a pol tyzdna volna. Co snim? Vybrali sme si Chilko lake, 65km dlhe jazero, nachadzajuce sa asi 400km na sever od Vancouver. Plan bol vyrazit z Nemiah valley, ktore sa nachadza asi v tretine. Odtial na kajaku prejst na J koniec, vyliezt cestou na 2 kopce a pozriet sa k jazeru Dorothy lake. Dokopy 10dni. Sami sme nevedeli, ci sa nam veci pomestia, lano sme zial nevzali a tak sme museli pomenit vystupove kopce. Chodniky boli vo velmi zlom stave, ak vobec nejake boli. Pedieranie sa hustinou a sledovanie medvedich hovien bolo na dennom poriadku. Nie vsak na vode. Tam sme sa viac vybali na vlnach. Niekedy mi to prislo, ze sme na mori a nie na jazere. Vietor s ladovcov sa dokaze na velkej ploche pekne rozbehnut. Obavy z delenej stravy s medvedmi sa nakoniec nepotvrdili, vsetko sme zjedli my. Hovori sa, ze tu clovek stretne velmi malo ludi. My sme pocas 9 dni nestretli nikoho, akurat 1 cln na druhej strane jazera.
Po navrate k autu a doplneni energie, sme sa presunuli na S koniec jazera, kde uz na nas cakali medvede.
Druha cast vyletu sa sustredila na pozorovanie tychto tvorov. Lososy akurat zacinali tiahnut hore prudom v tychto oblastiach. Vidiet medveda lovit ryby mi dokazuje, aky som zatial slaby rybar :-) Vyslap k Hunlen Falls a Panorama ridge trail bol aspon pre mna trochu natiahnuty. Vela km s krasnou prirodou ale bez vyznamnejsieho ciela.
Po 18tich dnoch bolo velmi tazke sa vratit do civilizacie a nechapavo sme sa pozerali na ludi na dialnici, kam sa tak ponahlaju. Mozno tam, kde sme boli my?
2 and 1/2 weeks...what to do with them? We chose Chilko lake, 65 km long lake, about 400km north from Vancouver. Apparently the the largest high elevation fresh water lake in North Amerika. The plan is to start from Nemiah Valley, at about one third of the lake. From there kayak to the south end, on the way climb two mountains and hike the trail up to Dorothy lake. 10 days all together. We had no idea if we can pack stuf for this long into our kayaks. Unfortunately we didn't take rope (space), so we had to change our planned climbs as we saw the mountains. The trails were pretty bad, or usually there were no trails. We buswacked most of the time, or when we were lucky, we walked animal trails (usually bear and moose, as was clear from the scats). On the water the story was different, we tried to avoid the waves and wind, sometimes it felt like on the ocean, not on the lake. The wind from the glaciers got a lot of speed on the large lake. We read that mornings are relatively calm and then the wind picks up in the afternoon. Well there were days when it was kind of ok at 7.30 and at 9 we had to turn back and look for the campsite as the waves were scary high.
We were quite afraid of bears eating our food and having to end our trip early so we tried to store it high, which was not always possible, luckily bears kept away from our food. People say that you meet very few people and boats in this area.
We haven't met anybody, only saw one boat on the other side of the lake.
After the return to the car and eating lots of food, we drove to the north end of the lake where the bears were already waiting for us (on our big trip we only saw 4, as they just started to congregate at the mouth of the Chilko river at the south end to feed on salmon). The second part of our trip was all about bears. The lake and the river were full of sockeye. We ended up with the hike to Hunlen Falls and hiked the Panorama ridge trail. Many kilometers without an ultimate goal, but beautiful surroundings, lakes, and again-more animals and their signs than people.
After 18 days it was quite hard to come back to civilization and we were just staring at the hurrying people on the highway.
Po navrate k autu a doplneni energie, sme sa presunuli na S koniec jazera, kde uz na nas cakali medvede.
Druha cast vyletu sa sustredila na pozorovanie tychto tvorov. Lososy akurat zacinali tiahnut hore prudom v tychto oblastiach. Vidiet medveda lovit ryby mi dokazuje, aky som zatial slaby rybar :-) Vyslap k Hunlen Falls a Panorama ridge trail bol aspon pre mna trochu natiahnuty. Vela km s krasnou prirodou ale bez vyznamnejsieho ciela.
Po 18tich dnoch bolo velmi tazke sa vratit do civilizacie a nechapavo sme sa pozerali na ludi na dialnici, kam sa tak ponahlaju. Mozno tam, kde sme boli my?
2 and 1/2 weeks...what to do with them? We chose Chilko lake, 65 km long lake, about 400km north from Vancouver. Apparently the the largest high elevation fresh water lake in North Amerika. The plan is to start from Nemiah Valley, at about one third of the lake. From there kayak to the south end, on the way climb two mountains and hike the trail up to Dorothy lake. 10 days all together. We had no idea if we can pack stuf for this long into our kayaks. Unfortunately we didn't take rope (space), so we had to change our planned climbs as we saw the mountains. The trails were pretty bad, or usually there were no trails. We buswacked most of the time, or when we were lucky, we walked animal trails (usually bear and moose, as was clear from the scats). On the water the story was different, we tried to avoid the waves and wind, sometimes it felt like on the ocean, not on the lake. The wind from the glaciers got a lot of speed on the large lake. We read that mornings are relatively calm and then the wind picks up in the afternoon. Well there were days when it was kind of ok at 7.30 and at 9 we had to turn back and look for the campsite as the waves were scary high.
We were quite afraid of bears eating our food and having to end our trip early so we tried to store it high, which was not always possible, luckily bears kept away from our food. People say that you meet very few people and boats in this area.
We haven't met anybody, only saw one boat on the other side of the lake.
After the return to the car and eating lots of food, we drove to the north end of the lake where the bears were already waiting for us (on our big trip we only saw 4, as they just started to congregate at the mouth of the Chilko river at the south end to feed on salmon). The second part of our trip was all about bears. The lake and the river were full of sockeye. We ended up with the hike to Hunlen Falls and hiked the Panorama ridge trail. Many kilometers without an ultimate goal, but beautiful surroundings, lakes, and again-more animals and their signs than people.
After 18 days it was quite hard to come back to civilization and we were just staring at the hurrying people on the highway.
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