And Jakub is growing....
Bryan came to visit couple of times and he took some great black and white pictures, maybe he thinks Jakub is a good object to get some practice in, always moving his arms and legs ...
Friday, January 28, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Zase ten Seymour!
Kamze tento vikend? Klasika. Pocasie klasika a tak aj na lyze klasika. Vybehli sme s Jurajom na uz nami davno zosuchany mt Seymour. Cakala nas zaujimava skrupina, ale aj vyhlady. Ludi ako na "vaclavaku", avsak stacilo sa pustit, kusok dalej a boli sme sami. Dufam ze sa pocasie coskoro stabilizuje, lebo uz ma svrbia hrany a chcelo by ich zarezat do niecoho cerstveho, strmeho... co vam budem hovorit :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Cypress mt.
Vcera sa nam podarilo vybehnut na lyze. Bol som velmi zvedavy, co dorobili tyzdnove dazde so snehovymi podmienkami. No zda sa mi, ze vobec nic. Sneh pekne tvrdy a stale dostatok. Nezalyzovali sme si moc, lebo miesta kam by sme normalne sli, boli trochu strmsie, vypadane a zmrznute. Nakoniec sme si zlyzovali iba zjazdovku dva krat. Oskar na nas tiez vykukol, tak z toho bola pekna obednajsia vychadzka. Pozuju Nikolaj, Juraj a NS mountains.
Yesterday we managed to get out on skis. I was very curious what the 1 week rains have done with snow conditions. But it seems to me that they have done absolutely nothing. Snow pretty hard but still enough of it. Skiing wasn't great, because the place where we normally went, were a bit steeper, and it looked frozen. Finally, we only skied piste twice. Sun also came out for a little, which made a great views and nice outing with friends. Posing Nicholas, George and NS mountains.

Yesterday we managed to get out on skis. I was very curious what the 1 week rains have done with snow conditions. But it seems to me that they have done absolutely nothing. Snow pretty hard but still enough of it. Skiing wasn't great, because the place where we normally went, were a bit steeper, and it looked frozen. Finally, we only skied piste twice. Sun also came out for a little, which made a great views and nice outing with friends. Posing Nicholas, George and NS mountains.

Jakubko 3 tyzden u nas doma.
Jakub bude mat zajtra tri tyzdne. Celkom rychlo sme si zvykli na pravidelny rezim jedenia, prebalovania a spania. Zacali sme chodit na vychadzky hned druhy tyzden a maleho to vzdy velmi dobre uspi. Dokonca sme mali prve usmevy, alebo aspon pokusy o ne. Ja uz len pocitam dni, kedy ho postavim prvy krat na lyze a pustime sa dole svahom :) Chyba mi partak, ci uz Ela alebo aj Jakub. Ked vsetko pojde po masle, budem mat razom dvoch.
Tommorrow Jakub will be 3 weeks old. Very quickly we got used to the constant eating, changing the diapers and sleeping. We started to go for walks after one week and it always puts Jakub to sleep right away. We even had first smiles...I am now counting days till I can put him first time on skis and let him go down the slope. I miss my trip partner- either Ela or Jakub. If everything goes well, I will have two :)
Tommorrow Jakub will be 3 weeks old. Very quickly we got used to the constant eating, changing the diapers and sleeping. We started to go for walks after one week and it always puts Jakub to sleep right away. We even had first smiles...I am now counting days till I can put him first time on skis and let him go down the slope. I miss my trip partner- either Ela or Jakub. If everything goes well, I will have two :)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
My name is Jakub
Minuly rok sa skoncil velmi prekvapivo. Dlho ocakavana chvila na seba nechala dlho cakat, ale nakoniec to Jakubko stihol este pred Silvestrom. Dokonca si spolu s nami strngol materskeho mlieka uz u nas doma. Sme na neho velmi hrdi, ved pozrite sami. Krasavec po mne a sympatak po Ele.
Tuto sme dali dohromady, co sa vam snazil povedat pred tym, nez si vypil:
My name is Jakub. You don't know me yet, but you probably know those two funny guys on some of the pictures. I think I am gonna move in with them. I want to wish you all the best for the New year and hope to meet you soon!
Jakub, Ela and Tom
ps: I was born on December 30, 10.20 am, with 52cm height and 3.2kg weight.
Tuto sme dali dohromady, co sa vam snazil povedat pred tym, nez si vypil:
My name is Jakub. You don't know me yet, but you probably know those two funny guys on some of the pictures. I think I am gonna move in with them. I want to wish you all the best for the New year and hope to meet you soon!
Jakub, Ela and Tom
ps: I was born on December 30, 10.20 am, with 52cm height and 3.2kg weight.
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