Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Little (or big?) difference

Jakub, when he is 1 day old, and nearing 3 months.

Rogers pass

Last weekend I went for a trip with a friend from Calgary- Palo. We planed this for few weeks already and at the end it was a perfect timing. Temperatures running around -10 at night, and below zero during the day, kept the snow pretty dry for us. I couldn't believe - up on Young's peak, there was 10cm of fresh snow on the summit. This was one of the best skiing ever. Ok at least when I talk about powder conditions. Last year on New year, we couldn't see any of this beauty as the weather and fog kept us down. But these three days the weather was on our site. We spent the first night at Sapphire hut (it is a shelter for 4 people or 8 Czechs) and 2nd at Asulkan. I enjoyed the first one better, because of being alone there with a friend and we were 500m higher than the Asulkan cabin. Skiing from the Dome col was just gorgeous. On the third day we went up the Youngs peak 2847m and skied back to cabin. The slope was up to 45deg. The further to the right, the steeper it got. Ascent was very pleasant. We followed the track from another group from previous day. In about 1h40min up we were and it is no more than 30min descent back to hut (700m elev.). This was a Highlight of this winter, that's for sure :-)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Coquihalla sunday walk.

There is some interesting skiing in this area and thanks to Stano, who already knows this place better than me, we managed to carve some turns into this slopes. He also taught me, what tree skiing really means. It was a nice day with an adventurous end.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jakub just a little bit older.

Its hard to write something about our son. It would be only superlatives anyway. I don't want to be that parent, saying about his child:,, he is so cute, he is gorgeous, we love him, unbelievable..." but he is :-) I can't help my self. We get a lot sleep, we get smile from him, he enjoys his baths every day and drinks his milk diet like crazy.
I don't know, maybe I am not perfect. Maybe Elena is not either. But Jakub is pretty close hahaha :-D

Waas happenin!?

Actually not much. The weather sucks, my shape sucks, my not working sucks... only Jakub and Ela make me happy every day. When I wake up, I have the two greatest people beside me and I am smiling. Ok not exatly smiling. I always say, give me half and hour more Jakub and I'll take you for a long walk.
This winter won't be much about skiing. But there will be one highlight of this ski season. Jano Blasko is coming to visit us. And I promised to take him for a ride. And this is it: Mount Judge Howay, 2260m high located no more than 60km from our home. However to reach its top, is required to paddle 18km, hike 13km and climb 3km one way. Driving the car will be the easiest :-) I don't know how often this mountain is climbed, but my guess is something like 1 party per year, maybe less. And most times only every second party reaches the summit.
Usually 3 days are required, but I would stick with as many as possible. 4 maybe 5 to have enough time to get a good weather once we are there. When I looked at the pictures first, I got this idea about skiing it rightaway. It took me few hours, maybe days to find out what the slope is like. We can expect 45deg steepness. Maybe more maybe less. Elevation gain will be 2100m. If the conditions allow, I am expecting to ski more than 1500m. The look from the bottom will be impressive, I am sure.
Stay tuned :-)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jakub is smiling!

Just to let you know. I am smiling and I am doing good :-)

Skiing with mommy.

Impossible turned out to be a reality and my wife skied this winter already for the second time with me. Thanks to Jakubko, who enjoyed the time with Lubka. Thanks grandma for taking care of him.
And thanks to me, who have not even deserved such beautifully skiing :-)
We hit wonderful conditions up on Seymour, harder snow with some powder (whip cream) on the top. I am alway disappointed to see so many people on the parking lot and on the trail. And amazed to breath the air by ourselfs skinning up the 3rd peak.