Eli your eyes are the most beautiful and honest I have ever seen.
I went through some of the pictures and you laugh at most of them. How is that possible?
There is so many things running through my mind and it all ends up with a picture of you lying in the snow. You always lowed snow. But this doesn't make sense. You were so full of life. Much more than me.You gave me Martin and Jakub. They are so motivated and motivating. How could I move on without them? They are my buddies. My right hand. They mention you time to time. They are proud of you. I am.
You were much stronger than me, physically and mentally. Why did I let you go climbing with somebody else? Because I know you lowed climbing. You lowed to be out there. And I know you lowed us the most. I know that. I know know you kept fighting until the last breath. Your endurance will fuel me for the rest of my life.
Damn it, my life started when I met you but most of it is gone when you'r not here any more.
I miss you so much, there is no words for it. Only tears. Tears full of pain.
These 9 years with you is something I will never forget. I have no regrets. Only beautiful memories.
I love you Eli.